

Ahhhh! I disappointed by myself because of my English skills. Today, my friend, Erynn, wanted to go to the post office to send a package to USA so she asked me to go with her. Of course I wanted to help her so I went there together. At the post office, I asked how to send the package to USA and how much is it but I couldn’t tell her the answers in English well. I just told her some words. It was regrettable that I couldn’t speak English well. I guess, I had spoken better than now when I came back from USA. I was unhappy because I wanted to help her very much! After that, I went to the dormitory with her. Also I met other friends of mine, but I couldn’t talk with them well and understand what they were talking. I thought, to practice every day is best. If I didn’t practice, my skills are gonna be poor. I’m scared and afraid that I won’t speak English. Well, I have to try to practice more and more. And I thank Erynn for giving me a prompt to notice such an important thing that I had to notice. JUST DO MY BEST!!
(203 words)

1 件のコメント:

dumpling さんのコメント...

Yeah, I know.
We can do it! I still hope so, and don't think about that, you are so nice;) Okay?! I'm always cherring for you!