
Costume drive!

Today, I went to Otachi cape with club members, because we have a big event. It is the costume drive!! We can wear whatever we want to. There are various people. For example, there are like a gang, kindergartner, bear, and cats and so on. They were so funny. I wore the high school uniform and identified with a girl high school student. I’m too old to wear it…haha! We had to take three orders. My group had to take a picture with a figure of toothbrush. Another one is to borrow a summer song in TUTAYA. And we had to go shopping mall to take a Purikira. After that we bought Tapioka. It was so delicious! After we clear the orders, we went to the sea. We had a BBQ. I ate a lot of meets until I’m full. Today was too hot. I swim in the sea but I might sunburn a lot. That’s too bad… We enjoyed swimming and playing in the sea! I was a driver so I’m so tired. I want to sleep right now.

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